After looking at the best way to implement the recently released Vocabularies, I decided to allow vocabularies to be included into other vocabularies. This would not only reduce repetition when specifying the same properties repeatedly, but would also allow vocabularies that include another vocabulary to be used in place of that vocabulary. It is used as follows:
class Thing < Mida::Vocabulary
itemtype %r{}i
has_one 'name', 'description'
class Book < Mida::Vocabulary
itemtype %r{}i
include_vocabulary Thing
has_one 'title', 'author'
class Collection < Mida::Vocabulary
itemtype %r{}i
has_many 'item' do
extract Thing
In the above if you gave a Book
as an item of Collection
this would be
accepted because it includes the Thing
vocabulary. When examining the item
you would find #vocabulary
set to Book
and you would have access to all the
properties of Thing
and all the properties of Book
This release also has a small bug fix so that mida
no longer defaults to
searches for %r{}
and will only make searches if a type regexp is given.